Titika A.
In January 2016, for the first time, pains appeared in my abdomen and at the same time severe dizziness and headaches. Following the advice of a pathologist, I began to undergo a series of tests
(blood tests, cardiograms, abdominal ultrasound, gastroscopies, brain and neck MRI) without any particular findings, beyond the lesions and a hollow neck.
Completely healthy and hyperactive as a person until then, as much as I wanted to get over it, the pains in various parts of my body and the headaches were present, sometimes with a longer duration, sometimes with a shorter one. My daily life in any case had changed and I started to I distance myself from activities, like going to the gym, for fear of hurting myself more, or going on a trip in case I couldn’t handle it and started hurting.
After a year had passed, in February 2017 I visited the practice of Mr. Alexiou who with patience, persistence and with his valuable knowledge and experience was the one who led me with personalized treatment to eliminate neck and back pain. The headaches subsided, as did my intermittent muscle aches. I started going to the gym again without pain and generally being functional and coping with my daily activities.
In September 2018, Mr. Alexiou once again was the one who cured me of oral herpes and after suffering for three months and recently suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
Communication and an all-round approach, both mentally and physically, is the ability that distinguishes Mr. Alexiou; he “listens” to people and does not give quick solutions, but seeks, where possible, a definitive solution.
If you:
- are fatigued
- are constantly in pain
- always feel low in energy
- are under constant stress
- do not understand why all this is happening to you
Take the first step towards real change!
If you:
- are fatigued
- are constantly in pain
- always feel low in energy
- are under constant stress
- do not understand why all this is happening to you
Take the first step towards real change!